Annotation Type TransformException

@Retention(CLASS) @Target(PARAMETER) @Documented public @interface TransformException
Transforms the parameter into a new exception appending the message from the parameter to the message from the method. This annotation is only allowed on parameters that are a super type of the return type.

Note that the message must include a %s for the message from the parameter.

 @Message("Binding to %s failed: %s")
 IOException bindFailed(SocketAddress address,
         @TransformException({ BindException.class, SocketException.class }) IOException toCopy);
In the above example an exception is created based on the toCopy parameter. If the toCopy parameter is a BindException then a BindException is created and the stack trace from the toCopy parameter is copied to the newly created exception. This will happen for each type listed as a value, finally falling back to an IOException if the parameter is not an instance of the suggested types.

The message for the newly created exception will be; "Binding to address.toString() failed: toCopy.getLocalizedMessage()".

James R. Perkins
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Indicates if the stack trace from the parameter should be copied to the exception returned.
    Class<? extends Throwable>[]
    An array of suggested types to create.
  • Element Details

    • copyStackTrace

      boolean copyStackTrace
      Indicates if the stack trace from the parameter should be copied to the exception returned.

      If true, the default, the parameters stack trace will be set as the stack trace on the newly created exception that is returned.

      true if the stack trace should be copied to the newly created exception
    • value

      Class<? extends Throwable>[] value
      An array of suggested types to create. Each type must be a super type of the parameter.
      the suggested types to create